3 myths about braces that every teen should know

At Amazing Smiles, we are all about straightening things out – including the rumors that start when teens talk about braces! Here are some of the top misconceptions and myths we hear before people start orthodontic treatment:

MYTH #1: I can’t play sports in braces

The days of needing to sit on the sidelines during your treatment are gone! In the past, brackets were more fragile and in danger of being broken or cutting the mouth if you were hit. Now, not only are both metal braces and clear braces much sturdier – ask your orthodontist about braces-friendly mouthguard options.

Some teens may be able to skip brackets altogether and opt for a clear aligner treatment like Invisalign®. Invisalign allows you to take out your aligner if needed, but you are also perfectly safe to wear your aligners even during contact sports. 

MYTH #2: I don’t need to floss while I have braces

Bacteria don’t take a break while you have braces. If anything, you should be more diligent about your oral hygiene while in treatment. Plaque can hide around brackets and cause cavities you’ll need to deal with after your braces come off, so it’s best to continue brushing 3-4 times a day and flossing once a day. There are a variety of tools specially designed to help you floss around your brackets, like a Waterpik or Oral B Superfloss.

MYTH #3: After braces, my teeth will be perfect forever

It’s a big deal when your braces finally come off and you see your new, beautiful smile for the first time! But as we continue to grow and age, teeth can shift and cause movement. That’s why we provide every patient with a custom retainer. Continue to wear your retainer nightly to keep your teeth in place and maintain your correct bite.

Did you know that 35% of teens lose their retainer within the first year of getting braces off, and end up needing treatment later on? If you’re prone to losing or breaking things (or just want to make sure you can always wear your retainer), you may consider opting into our Retainers for 10 programs. This program was specially created to help Amazing Smiles patients keep their teeth straight. Even if you lose your original retainer, you’ll be able to get a new retainer up to 4 times a year for the next 10 years, so you can keep doing the work it takes for straight teeth.

Wondering if braces are right for you? Reach out and schedule your complimentary consultation. We can set the record straight on these (and so many more) misconceptions about orthodontic treatment!